Hilton Garden Inn Bellevue
10777 NE 10th Street
Bellevue, WA 98004
(425) 454-0070
This hotel is within a short walking distance of the Hyatt.
Note: You must check in before you can access the parking garage. You can park at the hotel entrance while you check in.
Payment Info
The Group Rate is $194 per night for a single/double room with one king size bed (not including taxes, fees, parking, nor the Bellevue Tourism Assessment fee of $2.50 per room per night). The cutoff date for reserving a room within the room block is February 6, 2025, based on availability. After February 6, 2025, call the Hilton Garden Inn to check the availability of rooms in the WASWUG Attendee Rate room block.
Click Here to Book Your Hotel Room!
Note: This button takes you to a quick book page and defaults to a three-night stay (Sat, Sun, Monday). To edit the number of nights you wish to book, click Edit Stay in the upper right of the screen.
All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card
If you use a debit/credit card to check in, a hold may be placed on your card account for the full anticipated amount to be owed to the hotel, including estimated incidentals, through your date of check-out and such hold may not be released for 72 hours from the date of check-out or longer at the discretion of your card issuer.
Modifying Your Reservation
A change in the length or dates of your reservation may result in a rate change.
Hilton Garden Inn Bellevue Directions
Self-parking is available for $40/night and is on a "space available" basis.
Note: You must check in before you can access the parking garage. You can park at the hotel entrance while you check in.