Whether called outdoor schools or environmental education centers, Washington State has a long history of providing essential outdoor education experiences for school students. One of the state's first programs began back in the 1930s! Since that time, more than 20 organizations have formed, including two boat-based programs, that now provide multi-day programs for thousands of kids each year. Yet, only about 50% of Washington students benefit from this incredible opportunity.
Outdoor Schools Washington makes possible overnight outdoor education experiences for each and every child in Washington State, so they may create relationships with others and connections with the natural world through curiosity, exploration, and science.
We believe all Washington students deserve a week in nature! Donate now and help envision the future!
DONATE NOW! (link coming soon)
Click here to learn more about Outdoor Schools Washington and how your financial support can help fund essential education outside for all Washington State students!
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Thank you to e~Funds for Schools for donating your fundraising portal to help us raise money for Outdoor Schools Washington!
e~Funds for Schools is a top payment processor for K-12 schools across the nation. Non-contact methods for online, mobile, and in-person payments are established for your district at no cost to your schools. Even in-person payments are Touch-Free! Schools can also establish their own donation and fundraising campaigns, like our Outdoor Schools Washington campaign for WASWUG.
Want to learn more about e~Funds?
Click here to learn about the products offered by e~Funds through WSIPC’s Purchasing Program, or contact our e~Funds solutions rep Jeff Miller at 866-770-5856 x1271 or jmiller@magicwrighter.com.
e~Funds for Schools is the awarded vendor of “WSIPC RFP 22-04 Online Payment Systems” under WSIPC’s Purchasing Program.
The WSIPC Purchasing Program connects K-12 public and private schools and public agencies to a network of technology partners, leveraging the power of the WSIPC Cooperative to provide competitively bid goods and services at a reasonable cost. Each vendor who becomes a part of the WSIPC Purchasing Program has been awarded a bid contract through an official RFP process in compliance with Washington State Procurement RCWs.