Attendee Rules & Conditions

The following Rules and Conditions apply to WASWUG Attendees. As a registered Attendee of WASWUG you agree to these Rules and Conditions.


WASWUG name badges and the provided lanyard must be worn at all times by attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and event staff during the conference. Name badges may be picked up only by the attendee, exhibitor, sponsor, or event staff as a requirement of the check-in process. For security reasons, you will need to show your ID to pick up your badge. Sharing badges is not permitted. Access to the conference facilities will not be granted to those without proper credentials.

A WASWUG conference badge allows an attendee entry to the overall conference but cannot guarantee admission to every session or meeting area, which is subject to venue capacity and other requirements (such as the additional fee required to attend a Pre-conference workshop).

To maintain a professional and productive environment, it is essential to ensure that our conference areas are reserved solely for conference-related activities. Family members and children are therefore not permitted in conference breakout rooms, general sessions, or other conference spaces.

Animals are not permitted in the conference venue with the exception of certified service animals. This policy is designed to accommodate individuals with special needs while maintaining a suitable environment for all participants.


Payment is by VISA or MasterCard only. Purchase Orders are not accepted.


In lieu of cancellation, substitutions will be accepted until 5pm on Thursday, March 6, 2025. Any participant who has replaced a previously registered attendee will receive a Registration Confirmation email that includes a link to the WASWUG 2025 Attendee Rules & Conditions. Reviewing and agreeing to this information is a requirement of participation in the event.


If circumstances change and you are unable to provide a substitute to participate in the WASWUG event, refunds will be honored for cancellations received via email, fax, or mail by Friday, February 7, 2025. A $100.00 administrative processing fee will be assessed for all cancellations received by February 7, 2025. No refunds will be offered after February 7, 2025. Contact WSIPC with questions.

The Attendee acknowledges that they will be held fiscally responsible for the Attendee Cancellation Policy.


WSIPC shall not be liable for delays or any failure to perform, due to events beyond its reasonable control. Such delays include, but are not limited to, acts of God; governmental actions, acts, orders, or regulation; pandemic; fire; explosion; flood, hurricanes, earthquakes, or other natural catastrophe; strikes; or labor difficulties. Any such excuse for delay shall last only as long as the event remains beyond the reasonable control of the delayed party. WSIPC has the right to postpone, reschedule, or cancel the event. WSIPC will notify the Attendee promptly upon the occurrence of any such event. Registrations may be cancelled for any one or more of such reasons by written notice from WSIPC to Attendees without liability on the part of WSIPC.

In the event that WASWUG cannot be held or is postponed or rescheduled due to events beyond the control of WSIPC, WSIPC shall refund Attendee registration fees, but shall not be liable to the Attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodations costs, or financial losses.


It is WSIPC’s policy that all employees, volunteers, attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and any other participants are entitled to respectful treatment. Any form of abusive and unwanted communication; bullying; discrimination; or harassment, sexual or otherwise; is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This policy applies to all aspects of the WASWUG event, both in person and on the Attendee Hub platform and app.

The Attendee agrees to abide by all fire, safety, and health regulations of the local, city, state, conference hotels, and the location where WASWUG is being held. The Attendee must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local ordinances, and WASWUG policies and procedures as set forth below. Attendees who violate such rules and/or who behave in an unsafe or careless manner while attending WASWUG may be asked to leave immediately. The Attendee acknowledges that such violations may result in the Attendee being removed from WASWUG and barred from returning without refund of the Attendee’s registration fee. The Attendee likewise acknowledges and agrees that all attendees of WASWUG have the right to enjoy the conference equally.

Unauthorized spamming, with the exception of personal, one-on-one communications through the WASWUG Attendee Hub platform and app, is prohibited. Exhibitors or Sponsors may be provided contact information for attendees who attend their session or watch the recording of the session. This information will be used for follow-up communication only and may not be sold or transferred to any other party. Exhibitors and Sponsors must provide an opportunity for Attendees to opt-out or unsubscribe from further communication. If WSIPC determines that an Exhibitor or Sponsor is using Attendee contact information for unauthorized use, the Exhibitor or Sponsor will be removed from future event participation. If you would like to opt-out of sharing your contact information with WASWUG Exhibitors or Sponsors, contact WSIPC.

While WSIPC cannot guarantee a safe space, it is committed to providing a harassment-free and discrimination-free experience for everyone at our events, an experience that embraces the richness of diversity where participants may exchange ideas, learn, network, and socialize in the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect.


To maintain a secure environment, attendees are encouraged to report any incident or concerns you may have.

In case of Emergency, call the Hotel, then dial 911 (if necessary). Dial 55 (Hyatt)from any house phone for assistance. The onsite conference contact phone number is: (206) 227-0669.

Submissions are confidential and will be handled with the utmost seriousness.

The attendee likewise acknowledges that if they engage in prohibited behavior or violate these access and use restrictions, WSIPC reserves the right to take any action WSIPC deems appropriate, including immediately revoking access privileges to the WASWUG Event, without warning or refund. 


WSIPC is committed to making all reasonable arrangements that will allow Attendees to participate in WASWUG events. If you require specific aids or services, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact WSIPC at least two weeks in advance of the conference so that we may assist you in making arrangements that will allow you to fully participate in the conference.


You must be individually registered for this event to be granted access to conference content, including any sessions that may be recorded. Each registered Attendee must have a unique email address that identifies them as a registered Attendee, and access is limited to that Attendee only. URLs associated with an Attendee’s registration cannot be shared with others.


The Attendee understands that some conference events may contain adult language and/or discuss mature themes. This content may not be suitable for all Attendees. The views and opinions expressed at the conference may not necessarily reflect the views of WSIPC staff, the WSIPC Board of Directors, or WSIPC Cooperative members. WSIPC reserves the right to modify the program, which is published as an indication only. Any recorded content is current for WASWUG 2025. If you are accessing this material after March 11, 2025, the software and instructions may have changed.


The Attendee shall not share and/or release for publication any content, document, report, or other material of any nature produced at WASWUG without the prior written approval of WSIPC. The Attendee shall not, without WSIPC’s prior written consent, make use of any trade name, trademark, service mark, insignia, or logo of WSIPC.


Pursuant to WAC 292-110-010, unauthorized solicitation that promotes the interests of an outside individual, group, or organization, by a participant at any WSIPC-sponsored WASWUG conference, may result in revocation of the credentials that allow that individual’s participation at future WSIPC-sponsored WASWUG events.


Professional photographs, audio, and video will be captured during the conference. Attendees hereby grant WSIPC and its representatives, permission to photograph and/or record them while participating in the conference, and to distribute (both now and in the future) the Attendee's image and/or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, audiotapes of such events and activities, and written comments in surveys.

WSIPC leverages social media to post real-time WASWUG photos and videos to its social media feeds, and displays select submissions from those feeds on screens throughout the WASWUG website/app. Attendees are encouraged to capture their conference experiences in the permitted areas of the conference app and to post their own social content from WASWUG (text, photos, audio, video, streaming, etc.), provided it does not defame other Attendees or Exhibitors or infringe on copyrighted WSIPC branding and content. WSIPC will determine, in its sole discretion, which posted content will be displayed on the screens at WASWUG.

By participating in WASWUG, you acknowledge, grant permission, and agree as follows: (a) WSIPC may edit and use the footage it captures at WASWUG for marketing and promotional activities and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business, and (b) WSIPC disclaims all liability for the capture of your image by Attendees in any multimedia format at the conference.


The protection of your data and the observance of your right of informational self-determination about the collection, processing, and use of your personal data are important to us. WSIPC, or a third party designated by WSIPC, will collect and store all personal data for the preparation and execution of the WASWUG Event. In accordance with data protection and other applicable laws, sensitive data will be deleted after the conference, whereas personal data, payment history, and correspondence will be stored for the period prescribed by law. Your data will not be sold to third parties without your express permission.


To the extent permitted by law, the Attendee agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless WSIPC, and their respective employees, officers, directors, and agents, against all claims; losses, or damages to persons or property; governmental charges or fines; and costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of or connected to the actions or failure to act in accordance with the Rules and Conditions by the Attendee, its employees, officers, directors, or agents, except those claims arising out of the other party's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

If there is a determination that any part of the Rules and Conditions is ineffective or impracticable, then the validity of the remaining Rules and Conditions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.

* Acceptance of these Rules and Conditions will be required during the registration process.

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